WIN Foundation is a non profit entity, established in 2018. WIN Foundation’s vision: Empowered poor and lower middle class communities across India, adopting innovations, in (i) Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) and (ii) Maternal and  Child Health (MCH), to improve their quality of life and work, in a sustainable and scalable manner.

Our Approach

WIN’s vision of introducing innovations for social impact in a sustainable manner, requires multiple partners in the ecosystem to collaborate. These include:

WIN Foundation brings collaborations among its diverse partners. This includes collaborations within projects, across projects, and also enabling collaborations between our partners for their non-WIN-supported projects. This is particularly important in the social impact space as the economic drivers are not often strong enough, at least to start with.

o Water and Sanitation (WATSAN)

o Maternal and Child Health Nutrition (MCH)

Water and Sanitation

Mother and Child Health

Our Reach in 6 years

Water and Sanitation

Water and Sanitation 

Click here for details




Recharge Structures

9 MCM 

Water deficit reduced



Mother and Child Nutrition

Mother and Child Nutrition 

Click here for details


 Fiel Health workers trained 

1L+  Population



Women Nutri-preneurs 



Innovations and Student Support

Innovations: Identify innovations from Institutions and Startups and bring them to communities at grassroots, for understanding, trials, and adoption.

Student programs: Engage students from premier institutions to work on WIN projects. Students get exposure to communities and social impact markets. Communities and NGOs get new generation perspective, technology and management inputs  

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Events     click for details

WIN Nutri-gardeners Training

Workshop was to train and give practical insights  / guidance to WIN Nutri-gardeners on Soil health management, Plant health management, Community and Family  health and Nutrition management. 

Local Leadership Development Conclave

Local Leadership Conference  at Bhuj, Kutch, organised by WIN and ACT: Over 100 local leaders, from village to district levels, discussed initiatives, challenges and the way forward. 

Wellness Wali Diwali’24 Nutritious Gift Hampers 

The event focused on showcasing nutritious gift hampers by WIN Women Nutri-preneurs  as part of WIN Foundation’s mission to promote grassroots innovations in nutrition.

Nutrition Resource Site

Nutrition in sustainable manner - information and resources

Rainwater Harvesting - techniques, resources, contacts

Online skilling platform - skilling for social impact

Latest Issue: Click here

All issues: Click here

Testimonials  ("people speak")

Apart from the validation of our product and business model at NBEC-2022, WIN Foundation has been actively involved in helping our team with networking opportunities. The market access they have provided will accelerate growth for Tellus in the years to come while also providing an experiential learning opportunity for the team. WIN foundation has helped us solve strategic problems....

It is a huge inspiration to see the passion of WIN foundation to seek home-grown technologies that can bring a huge change in the lives of grass-root levels of society through access to clean water, healthcare and nutrition. 

WIN foundation is supporting Arid Communities and Technologies for a participatory groundwater management project (PGWM) at Kutch, Gujarat, named “K-Marc” (Kankavati – Managed Aquifer Recharge through Communities). ACT started this project in 2010. It started showing significant impact after six years of initial processes. Now the project learnings and processes developed can help others to adopt climate resilient and community managed groundwater management practices. At this crucial juncture, WIN foundation is supporting ACT and her other project partners viz., Geo-science Services, Parab, Tata CGPL CSR for establishing project area as PGWM field laboratory. The ACT-WIN collaboration has opened many avenues for future, through many collaborations, partnerships, and developing linkages with institutes like IIT Gandhinagar. I am sure that this collaboration will help the project and its various outcomes like Bhujal Jankars, PGWM field lab, Farmer Friendly Groundwater Recharge Techniques, among others, and also to pitch this complete strategy and process at various levels of the society. On behalf of all project partners and stakeholders I am heartily grateful to WIN foundation for this inestimable support. 

WIN Foundation has helped us to achieve our vision of empowering community health care workers on the knowledge of Maternal Infant Young Child Nutrition. This will help them to eradicate malnutrition from India. They have also partly funded Health Spoken Tutorial series on health and nutrition from IIT Bombay which are translated in multiple languages for the training of the mothers and health care workers in local language. The excellent results are already being seen in the field. 

WIN and ChiNu have similar thinking on the issue of the food products. Both are looking at affordable, nutritious and convenient products. WIN is also supportive of the decentralized production through SHGs and micro-entrepreneurs and to promote locally compatible foods. Of course many local foods e.g. Idli or Dhokla have now become national foods! We of course need to be careful about the quality control aspects and do local capacity building for this. I am sure the ChiNu – WIN partnership will be able to contribute to the important goal of tackling child malnutrition in the difficult times ahead in the post pandemic era.    

Under the roof of IIT Kharagpur and WIN foundation’s support for research and innovation in the areas of water quality, purification and sanitation (WATSAN), my Research team is involved in design , installation and operation of treatment plant for upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) effluent to produce potable quality treated water with a capacity of 300 cubic-meters/day. I thank WIN foundation for initiative and support extended and looking forward for successful demonstration of the technology for replication elsewhere.