Project : Pilot scale in-situ application for arsenic and fluoride removal from the groundwater: A safe drinking water production perspective
Project Leader: Prof. Manish Kumar, IIT Gandhinagar
The research study aims at developing a potential system by coupling nano technology with bio technology for removal of geogenic contaminants from water at in-situ conditions. In this case, the projects aims at development of Janus particle, capable of removing both Arsenic and Fluoride from water, and then embed these particles with chosen biopolymer for eventual fabrication of nano-polymer system for safe water production. The research systematically investigates how geogenic contaminants are transported and retained in porous media (Biopolymer).
Objectives and Deliverables:
- Generation of Janus particles capable of removal of multi-contaminants of geogenic origin, in this case the Arsenic and Fluoride ions.
- Choose a biopolymer in which the Janus particle can be embedded
- Pilot scale development of in-situ decentralized safe water production system integrated in groundwater-well system.
- Pilot scale application and demonstration of the new system.
- Cost-benefit and life cycle assessment pertaining to the new developed system.
About Indian Institute of Gandhinagar and Project Leader:
Prof. Manish Kumar, PhD [The Univ. of Tokyo]. Assistant Professor – Dept. of Earth Sciences. Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinaga Affiliate, Centre for Sustainable Development, IITGN, He is the associate editor for Groundwater for Sustainable Development and Hydrological Research Letter
IIT Gandhinagar, a premier technology institute based at Gandhinagar, Gujarat, is committed to a holistic and modern approach to education in engineering disciplines and beyond; cutting-edge research addressing global challenges; and outreach that enables us to give back. IIT Gandhinagar offers a unique undergraduate and graduate education experience in India. It has launched several unmatched innovations in curriculum as well as research programs.
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- Manish Kumar*, R. Goswami, A.K. Patel, M. Srivastava, N. Das. (2020) “Scenario, Perspective and Mechanism of Arsenic and Fluoride Co-occurrence in the groundwater: A critical Review” Chemosphere, 249
- K. Taki, S. Choudhary, S. Gupta and Manish Kumar* (2020). Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Municipal Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Utilization, Journal of Cleaner Production.
Further Information:
- Project Presentation (click here)